Kamis, 23 April 2009


history islam
I broadcast in Exodus Magazine September 2005

Abdul Jamil Hasrizal

In any posts in the first part I (I Magazine Ogos 2005), we have jointly examine how Syiah play a major role in diffuse toxic falsity of the History of Islamic purity. This tertumpu to the era of al-Khulafa 'ar-Rashideen era and the beginning of Bani Umayyah that determines the era to become a survival trip titled: Sirah Muslims as a whole. If the Friends can be prostrated through history, it will be tumbanglah entire body because the body of the generation who have become the first monograph penyampai Islam's Prophet SAW to all people.

We are equally menyedari evidence that universal history is very impressive for mensabitkan things. The Islamic identity and their confidence to rise again after the smash series, related to the meeting to which they are successful menghayati History of the present generation of valuable lessons. On the basis this is, History of Islam continue to be the target for the enemy to be mistaken that the people who are up this will continue to be hit in the back with the understanding that history is wrong and disappointing.


Documents become the premier source of history mentioned in Arabic as watheeqah. He comes from the root word meaning thiqah trust. In the sense that other words, trust in the History of the fact of meeting with the barbed ehwal concerned with the document referred. Muhammad advanced Hamadah menukilkan said, "there is no history without documents" and at one stage, the words are indeed true.

This indeed has been well received by Muslims berzaman period. Although we face numerous difficulty to obtain the documents for the History of the early Islamic era which dicetuskan havoc caused by the Cross War, War Tatar up to Baghdad, and so forth, a little tradition of documenting the reference material and History berwaris growing. At the time of Bani Umayyah and Abbasiyyah, various' Diwan 'is written as a reference and government documents. When Uthmaniyyah in the era of the kingdom, the kingdom of affairs, especially during war, direkod by author rasmi kingdom known as the 'vakanuvis'. Even from the point of achieving progress pentadbiran system state, the Islamic community is very proportionate terkehadapan others. In conclusion, various documents such as manuscripts, in addition to books various scholars of the age composition, and available to be referred to the issue treasury pearls of Islamic History is extremely valuable.

However, efforts to elucidate the history of the people some cabaran reasonable dihalusi to address them. Although Muslims quite lucky because kesedaran and business merakamkan important events have been prepared since the existence of the first generation of Islam, but the materials are still dealing with some of the characteristics that make pengkaji.

1. Note the uneven

Since the beginning of the era such as the Children of Umayyah only dirakamkan by experts such as the history of al-Imam at-Thabari largely from the point of siasah. Thus most of the note is about the range of government, silih change leaders and events that are associated with war and the effect. However, the review of ketamadunan dimensions such as socio-economic and cultural, not assisted by the work of many at-Thabari.

Effect of this imbalance can be seen from the trend without conscious Some of us get a picture that is often called when the History of Islam, focusing too much attention to the aspects siasah solely. By the way, offering made to the Islamic community, especially to the non-Muslim, made in the form of less weight and beauty of 'benefits' that are relevant to the paradigm of thought non-Muslims. Mesej rights against non-Muslims more focused to guarantee their safety from harassment and injustice solely. They can not see how they could continue to trade, and living berkualiti forward under the Islamic system as a matter of style always guarantee the rights and safety. He provides a description of reverse psychology seems to live under the Islamic system always faced with the threat of safety.

2. Taasub in The Nation and In Documentation

A general matter is known, that the era of fertility Abbasiyyah sentiment anti Umayyah Bani. He participated in giving effect to the reference materials produced in the era of Abbasiyyah that many figured prejudis against Bani Umayyah. For example, the collection khutbah Bani Umayyah criticaster the Ahlul Bayt, the many art shows that the language is Arabic khutbah era Abbasiyyah and not Umayyah. This requires accuracy to avoid the pengkaji pushed to accept flat all that were presented.

Instead of one another angle, study of the Bani Umayyah only tertumpu to the elements that limited and not comprehensive because the obstruction formed by the retroactive nature prejudis [li Dirasah Wathaqiyyah dates at-al-Islami wa Masadiruhu min 'Ahd al Bani Umayyah Hatta Fath-al-li Uthmani Syrian wa Misr by Muhammad Hamadah advanced]

3. Language Problems

The difference between the reference in one period of time with the others not only to tertumpu techniques merekod, even the language used is also experiencing growth and change. Seljuk era of history to give superiority to the documents Parsi proportionate with the Arabic. This matter needs to be taken by pengkaji fact that any disagreement be resolved by taking some aspects of language that is dominant in the period.

Very dismal, when the history of the era Daulah Othmaniyyah not control the language begins with a reference source. Not many pengkaji, especially from the Muslim, the Turkish language and the language Othmaniyyah (Osmanlıca) as a first step to deep historical era Othmaniyyah. This is very different to the approach of the orientalis, for example, Bernard Lewis is not only set off his specialization in this field with the Turkish language, even berkahwin continue with the Turkish nation for women deepens their language and culture.

Kesannya can be seen, if the figures be regarded as Hamka passed, only refers to attempts books orientalis be composed by the Netherlands to produce the writing of the era Othmaniyyah in the famous book, History of Muslims. It is not a reproach against Hamka passed memandangkan reference to the very limited at that time. However perlulah we take a lesson not to be mensesiakan a Mata Hari in front of this.

Top kesedaran how important the mastery of language and technical reference source, such as reading manuscripts and old books, Universiti Ankara in Turkey has menubuhkan Fakulti Languages and History-Geography or better known as Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi.

Indeed ketidakupayaan pengkaji history of the premier reference source language, invited to a disability in a large study results pembentangan History. Moreover, in the Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry General Directorate of State Archives is to explain that 150 million chip manuscripts and documents in form letters rasmi throughout the kingdom Othmaniyyah the government still has not been touched for the review! More treasury operation can be extracted, particularly relating to the relationship of government to the top of the Daulah Othmaniyyah Muslims in the Malay Islands when a first.

4. The pent-source reference

Another factor that into cabaran to pengkaji is how many reference materials stored in the History of our institutions is very complex for ditembusi. Especially after the defeat of Islam during the First World War, Muslims have been overwritten with an ignorance of prejudice when many manuscripts and material history is given in vain to force the west to take to muzium-muzium Europe by little that is not how habuan. Today, Muslims faced with difficulty when forced to go to Western countries that impose various sesetengahnya police complex, solely to allow us to read any posts and the progenitor of our forefathers themselves.

We see, for example, efforts to obtain manuscripts from the Suleymaniye Library in Istanbul, we are dealing with the various karenah bureaucracy. More difficult if the materials are in Some Arab countries are very suspicious and skeptik with the application to get their manuscripts in the library.

More mencabar again, war is applicable in the harbor such as Baghdad has been the expense of proper vocabulary of Islamic history that references the same tragisnya with the death of the ditch 'possessed' it.

5. Taasub and The Nation in the History of In

Hostility among the people Abbasiyyah with Banu Umayyah not stopped at the time of the simple fact berlarutan to this day. He further ketara after the obliteration of identity sewaku Islamic Khilafah Othmaniyyah destruction in 1924. Fahaman nasionalisma spread of communalism have been encouraged not just to the attitudes and prejudis in the History of Islam.

Arab power Othmaniyyah see Turkey as a colonial power, and he was busy writing to the terrace from the Arab pengkaji. They melabelkan Sultan Abdul Hamid II as the 'Red Sultan' is cruel, despotic, and so forth. Senada with accusations against Syiah generally as Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan RA. When the Turkish nation take the Arabs as a traitor, and they write the history of the Arab revolution movement and other languages with a hatred that exceeds realiti real.

6. Amanah attitude of Sciences

Once again a problem as the initial cause attitude problems diketengahkan History of Islam. The tendency of our society to hear the news that only dramatic, and heat sensation, to invite the emergence of writing-writing that cuba to play with the emotions and intellect solely. This is to encourage the taking of History may be interesting but the reader does not help to sedikitkan learning History.

For example, if the period of Prophet SAW, history-history of the Majlis valid Tahkim not dipedulikan, rather tertumpu to the false history of the fraud told a friend, attitudes, and so power mad. This is a little of the history of berpunca valid elements that do not have any heat diperkatakan earlier.

7. Error in In The Garden History

History of Islamic learning many tertumpu to find out what is in effect on a one-time only according to the chronology of events. Very little business to take advantage of even the subject of History of History in schools only to answer the question tertumpu techniques PES berasaskan the question being peperiksaan spade through political, economic and social! While the spirit of the history of injection meager grown.

We also identify aspects of the fiqh less at-dates, which relate to the principle of science-science basis of history, how to identify the source of reference and the problems that need attention, technical menafsir History and other materials. For analogy, we know but ignore science fiqh Usul al-fiqh. Justeru ramailah make error during the learning history.

8. The field behind and no commercial

Although the history of Islam is a very important field in the 'build men' in sesebuah people, on average it is not a subject of choice students who want menempah place in Higher Institutions Pengkajian. This is at variance with kesedaran to exist in socialist countries in which the wise and clever jockey elected to go deep knowledge-knowledge that the human form.

During the time I spend all day for a week in the Library IRCICA in Yildiz Sarayi to prepare some of the investigations, how disappointed because I almost do not have people that come the Islamic history and civilization of Islam there. Most pengkaji is pengkaji consisting of British, French, German and United States of America.

Thus, we hope to be of Islamic History at the university ranking can dipertingkatkan persembahannya. Academic experts do not sink in the world akademiknya so it does not go down with the knowledge and kepakarannya to the public. When the pendakwah, writers and those who work in the midst of the people responsible should also present an example of trust and History bersandarkan to a valid source muktamad again.

Negligence in maintaining the equilibrium between these two will only make our nation the Muslim nation, built on the Persada kediamannya human civilization with the building of more sand and simen, awaits day fall down to earth, weak faith to God and no self-confidence.

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